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Coaching Resources
Division Guide Checklist HandbookRules  Substitutions Skill Priorities  Formations Practice Plans
A Coach Guide Checklist A HandbookRules
A Rotation  A Player Skills A FormationA Practice Plans
B Coach Guide Checklist
 B HandbookRules B Rotation  B Player Skills B FormationB Practice Plans
C Coach Guide Checklist
 C HandbookRules C Rotation  C Player Skills C FormationC Practice Plans
 D  Coach Guide Checklist
 D HandbookRules D Rotation  D Player Skills D FormationD Practice Plans
E Coach Guide Checklist
 E HandbookRules E Rotation  E Player Skills E FormationE Practice Plans
F Coach Guide
 F HandbookRules F Rotation  F Player Skills F FormationF Practice Plans
G Coach Guide Checklist
 Rules G Rotation  G Player Skills G FormationSSG Variations

Check out the Rules page here for a summarized version of rules for each division.

At the end of the season, EPSA wants each player to have improved their knowledge of the game and to have made progress as a soccer player.  The coach is one key means we have of attaining that goal! Thank you coaches!

Skill or "Ignition" Games is a menu of 24 fun games that develop skill without any coaching needed, adaptable for all ages.
Small-Sided Game Variations are training games to accomplish different objectives or provide different challenges.
Coaches Meeting Presentation slide deck from the meeting including missions and methods
Coaches meeting fall 2024 - referee presentation slides
Volunteer Linesperson Instructions

Video Tutorials

Build Out Line Rules explains some unique rules for divisions A - D.
Division A, B Format explains the A, B division field layout and rules.
Offside Rule Explained

New for fall 2024
A-C coaching drills video
D-G coaching drills video

Policies and Codes of Conduct
Click HERE to go to our Policies and Codes of Conduct Page.  It is important for all coaches to know what the Association expects of Coaches, Players, Parents and Spectators, including our Game Cancellation Policy, Parent Supervision and Child Pick-Up Policy.

Player Safety
The safety of the children entrusted to a coach is of paramount concern to the Eden Prairie Soccer Association.  The EPSA practices a very simple Risk Management Policy regarding coaches being with players that are not their own children.

1) NEVER BE ALONE with a child not your own.

2) ALWAYS HAVE A LINE OF SIGHT WITH ANOTHER ADULT that is not your spouse or partner.
3) THREE UNRELATED KIDS TOGETHER in your presence is considered SAFE for you and the children.

SafeKids Program

The Eden Prairie Soccer Association is committed to provide a safe environment and to prevent child abuse and sexual misconduct.  Please see the SAFEKIDS PROGRAM guidelines. 


I am an A or B division coach, how do we run games of 4v4 with 12 players per team?
  - See this video for a visual description Division A, B Format.
  - Summary: Both teams split in half, and the halves play each other on the North / South fields at the same time.

How long are games and quarters?
  - See the Rules page here 

Do coaches get pinnies and a few balls and cones?
  - Yes, the coach bag you pick up on the first day will have all of these items, as well as some first aid items, a whistle, and a ball pump.

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